Vietnamese specialty coffee – one of our finest beverages

Vietnamese specialty coffee has a unique flavor and an addictive aroma that results in high demand around the world.  If you are a coffee lover, it would be a mistake not to try Vietnamese specialty coffee.

Overview of Vietnamese specialty coffee

With its high economic potential for both exporters and importers, Vietnamese specialty coffee is well-promoted by the government and many businesses.

History of specialty coffee

Specialty coffee was first introduced by the founder of Knutsen Coffee Ltd, Erna Knutsen in Montreuil, France in 1978. After that, the World Specialty Coffee Association states that the coffee assessment process includes many steps from visual evaluation to taste tests by Coffee Quality Institute Q-Graders certified experts.

Women first mentioned the concept of specialty coffee

Definition of Vietnamese specialty coffee

Vietnamese specialty coffee is defined as coffee that is farmed, processed, and roasted in accordance with SCA standards. This aims to promote exports and develop domestic markets to highlight the firm reputation of Vietnam in the world coffee market.

Vietnamese specialty coffee

Characteristics of Vietnamese specialty coffee

  • Follow international standards

According to the assessment of the World Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), Vietnamese specialty coffee has to score at least 80/100 points based on 10 criteria of quality and taste.

  • Growing process

Vietnamese specialty coffee requires ideal conditions such as altitude, soil quality, and climate to be cultivated. Vietnamese farmers always ensure that every stage, from seeding, to packaging, is strictly executed to get the best quality.

  • Sustainability

Vietnamese specialty coffee has to bring higher value to farmers as well as not harming the ecological environment.

  • Shelf life

Vietnamese specialty coffee is more preferable when being medium-roasted and is best used within a month.

  • Target audience

Most Vietnamese specialty coffee is served at Specialty Coffee Shops, which are expected to not only provide high-quality coffee beans but also for professional service style. 

  • Price

A kilogram of roasted Specialty coffee beans can range from $35 to $65, which can vary according to the year’s output and demand, along with other factors such as natural conditions, diseases, government policies, etc. 

Popular types of Vietnamese specialty coffee

Three main varieties of Vietnamese specialty coffee are Arabica Dalat – Cau Dat, Arabica Lac Duong and Arabica Lam Dong Honey.

  • Arabica Dalat – Cau Dat 

This is a Vietnamese specialty coffee bean that are hand-picked and fully cleaned Cartimor, Bourbon, or Typica cherries grown at an altitude of 1550 to 1700m above sea level. Arabica Dalat – Cau Dat has a fruity, balanced chocolate flavor.

  • Arabica Lac Duong

These beans are grown at altitudes of 1450 to 1650 m, 100% hand-picked and fully washed, providing a full-bodied flavor with a sense of chocolate and hazelnut.

  • Arabica Lam Dong Honey

Arabica Lam Dong Honey coffee beans are at an altitude between 1550 and 1700 m above sea level, which are entirely hand-picked and processed in order to bring out the sweetness of brown sugar.

Where to buy Vietnamese specialty coffee

Buyers are recommended to buy Vietnamese specialty coffee at reputable and prestigious coffee brands. Currently, K-Agriculture Factory specialty coffee supplier, with a 25-year experience in the coffee industry, is one of the leading brands in supplying premium quality Vietnamese specialty coffee to the world.


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